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About Us

Cultivating Holy Beauty, written by Jessie North, is a women's discipleship curriculum designed to help women become disciples of Jesus Christ, plain and simple! This ministry helps women thrive by discovering their true identity and value in Jesus Christ, based on the Word of God. We believe that when a woman finds her identity in Christ, everything else—marriage, motherhood, life—begins to fall into place. 

 Cultivating Holy Beauty is designed to help fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20), by teaching women how to love God with their whole heart, soul, and mind. Developed as the women’s companion ministry to Every Man A Warrior, by Lonnie Berger, this curriculum teaches women how to think on God’s Word with purpose allowing it to become heart-knowledge instead of just head-knowledge, so they can learn to love God—deeply, accept their redemption through Jesus Christ in their hearts—fully, and then in turn, exalt Him—highly!

Like the merchant in Matthew 13, who upon finding a pearl of great value sold all that he had and bought it, we have the opportunity to invest in something of great worth to the Kingdom of God. We are invited to co-labor with Him in radically transforming the lives of women, families and churches through discipleship. If you are interested in Cultivating Holy Beauty we encourage you to visit our website at for more information.