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Cultivating Holy Beauty QUIET TIME JOURNAL for Book 2: Letting the Healer Heal
Cultivating Holy Beauty QUIET TIME JOURNAL for Book 2: Letting the Healer Heal
Cultivating Holy Beauty QUIET TIME JOURNAL for Book 2: Letting the Healer Heal
Cultivating Holy Beauty QUIET TIME JOURNAL for Book 2: Letting the Healer Heal
Cultivating Holy Beauty QUIET TIME JOURNAL for Book 2: Letting the Healer Heal

Cultivating Holy Beauty QUIET TIME JOURNAL for Book 2: Letting the Healer Heal

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The Quiet Time Journal is designed to not only help you stay on track with your daily Quiet Time but can also serve as an easy reference guide when you lead other groups through CHB in the future. This makes looking back over your Quiet Times from each lesson easy to find.

Each Quiet Time Journal is color-coded to go with its corresponding Cultivating Holy Beauty Discipleship book. We have taken each book into account when designing these journals and made sure to have plenty of extra Quiet Time worksheets to ensure you will have more than enough! Feel free to write as much as you like! Don't hold back your thoughts!


  • Perfect-bound
  • Hardback
  • CHB Quiet Time Worksheets on the back of every page
  • Lots of room for writing out your conversations with God
  • 7 x 10 in size

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